With the ever growing concerns of the well being of the people in the community and the global pandemic, Aid Infinity have teamed up with a local charity 'Eden' to deliver hot food aimed at helping the less fortunate and vulnerable of the local community.
Location/ Time
The king street mosque
83 - 85 King Street, Loughborough, LE11 1SD
Near the Carpenter's Arm
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Every first Sunday of each month
Other payment methods
Bank Transfer
To make a donation directly via bank transfer, please use bank details below:
Aid Infinity
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Account No: 72882260
Reference: “Hot Meals”
Please inform us of your transfer via email to:
Please specify your Bank Reference, Full Name, Address, Donation Amount, Donation Type and Project.
Please also inform us if you are a UK tax payer so your donation can be Gift Aided. Gift Aid allows you to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost.
It is important that you notify us whether your donation is for Zakah, Sadaqah, Lillah or General and also which project it is donated towards. Otherwise we will receipt it as Zakah in the most need project.