Build a Masjid - Shigar, Pakistan
Aid Infinity has partnered with Al Mustaqim Foundation to build a mosque in a remote village named Bondo in Shigar, Pakistan. The village population is 1500 and majority are from the Shia sect, with 300 Sunni who lack a masjid. Hence building a masjid for Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah is crucial to help the need of the Sunni Muslims there. Aid Infinity team visited the area.
The mosque will facilitate prayer for men and women and will be a central hub for education and dawah work. The mosque will be two-story with a basement for winter use, rooms, and shops to generate rental income. The architectural style will use stones and wood to ensure warmth during snowfall.
Al-Mustaqim Welfare Foundation: In 2010, a group of young religious scholars established "Al-Mustaqim Welfare Foundation” with a vision to promote Islamic teachings, offer modern educational facilities, and serve the community. The foundation provides charitable, educational, and social welfare service operating in Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, primarily in the K2 Shigar valley.
Educational Services: The foundation has established three locations for Quranic education with 200 students and a primary school with 60 students.
Dispensary: Established in 2016, the dispensary has treated over 11,000 patients, but there is a continued need for medicines.
Quran memorisation: There is a significant need for a department dedicated to the memorisation of the Quran in the region. A classroom is available, but a salary of 35,000 PKR per month is required for a qualified Quran teacher.
Handicrafts Centre: So far, 200 women have been trained in sewing.
Water Supply Project: This project has completed the construction of 15 wells and one borehole, benefiting many people.
Orphan Sponsorship Program: This program supports orphaned children by providing school bags, uniforms, and fees.
Marriage Program: This program has helped marry 10 orphan girls.
Qurbani Program: During Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, clothing, food rations, and meat are distributed among 400 needy families, including poor families, scholars, and widows.
Clothing Program: In the winter, warm jackets, blankets, and other essential items are provided to deserving families.
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